The Way Not To Sell

In this post I tear apart just one of the thousands of terrible email pitches I receive each month. This is a lesson in how not to do outbound email.

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Eat Your Vegetables.

My friend Matt Shultz sums up marketing strategy thusly.

Everyone wants to eat their dessert first.

We all love the sexy stuff of marketing dessert – web sites, brochures, videos, etc.

But nobody wants to eat their vegetables.

Marketing strategy is the vegetables.

If you want a healthy sales program, you have to eat your vegetables.

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It’s Not the Plan. It’s the Journey.

Forget about those binders full of data. Focus on the journey to get the real value of planning. In this video I talk about the real reason you need a marketing execution plan. This week’s Moment of Clarity is a humdinger if I do say so myself.

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Has Marketing Jumped the Shark?

Marketing has been hijacked by tech people and the results aren’t pretty. The only thing more confusing to business owners and leaders than marketing is particle string theory. What matters and what works to fuel growth has been lost in a sea of acronyms, algorhythms, doublespeak, blathering nonsense and grift.

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Are You Using LinkedIn Wrong?

In this new episode of my podcast Monfre and Myers Tell the Truth we crack LinkedIn wide open and make the case that, if you are a B2B company using LinkedIn to prospect, you are probably doing it wrong.

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Your Business is a System

In this week’s Moment of Clarity I share my thoughts on how seeing your business as a system can help you improve and grow your business.

About fifteen years ago I completely disassembled an old Corvette I bought in a fit of bad judgment at a swap meet. Every bolt. Every washer. Every piece of wire.

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The Magic Marketing Bullet – revealed

For years now I’ve kept this highly guarded secret to myself because I didn’t want to let clients in on something that would surely render me useless to them. It’s not like I haven’t been asked a thousand times to reveal this secret – it comes up all the time in various forms but the essence of the question sounds like “What is The Magic Bullet marketing thing I can do to instantly make sales?”

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5 Red Flags That Show Your Sales Process Sucks

After 30 years of working with clients to solve problems that are killing their revenues and profits, I’ve identified a number of red flags that tell me loud and clear something is wrong with how that client is selling. The good news it isn’t hard to fix.

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