Our team of veteran marketing executives review your past and/or current marketing initiatives to recommend improvements in performance, eliminate waste and connect marketing to revenue generation.

Our clients typically are already investing in marketing activities but are:


  • Concerned that they are not receiving a return on this investment  
  • Worried that their organization lacks a deep knowledge of marketing and might be wasting money  
  • Frustrated that they can’t connect their investment in marketing with ROI
  • Uncertain where to start, but know they need to improve


The Master Marketing XRAY is a deep dive into your organization’s marketing programs and efforts to find hidden obstacles and root out waste.


Note: The XRAY is included in the MASTER MARKETING BLUEPRINT


The Master Marketing XRAY is a customized audit of your marketing programs, message, approach, competitive score and more. We rapidly figure out what’s working and what’s not working while zeroing in on waste.


Together we deep dive into your business, it’s approach to the market, how it sells, what works and what doesn’t. 


We understand how business works and have deep knowledge of sales processes and operations. 


The Master Marketing XRAY™ is an instant injection of expertise and experience to bring clarity into how you can drive better outcomes from your marketing investment.


We deliver written recommendations to help you develop and/or refine your marketing approach so that it delivers significantly better outcomes and a measurable return on investment. 


After delivery we provide another 30 days of implementation advice and guidance. Read on to learn more or download a detailed guide to the MASTER MARKETING XRAY. 

Download a detailed guide

We believe you should know everything about what you are buying. You can get more detail on THE MASTER MARKETING XRAY including pricing, team time requirements, deliverables and much more by downloading our handy PDF.  

Marketing Action Planning System (MAPS)™

  • Phase one 5 - 10 days*

    Define and Assess

  • Phase Two 5 - 7 days*

    Benchmarking performance

  • Phase Three 1 - 3 days*

    Identify opportunities

  • Phase Four 10 - 15 days*

    Develop Action Plan

*Timeframes dependent upon client availability, approvals, payment and may vary. 


"With Pete's help, I have made significant progress toward developing a successful business for myself. His advice on marketing strategies has been invaluable."

Selected clients

Define and Assess

We will deep-dive into your organization’s current and past marketing efforts, data, plans, past research, sales decks, advertising, and much more. 


We will look for ways to improve efficacy, find hidden obstacles and waste while putting your current situation in historical context. Because we’ve worked with hundreds of clients and implemented thousands of plans, we quickly spot ways to level up your marketing efforts and results. 


Benchmarking The Business

During Phase Two we’ll analyze and compare your performance stats with similar organizations in your industry. We’ll match this data with our own objective experience and show you how you stack up on Key Performance Indicators. 


If you think you might want to work with us, it’s a good idea to check our FAQ to see if we are a fit. 


"What I like most is that Clarity is totally focused on strategic marketing for B2B companies. The guy has added value to my world every time we've met. Really fun, down to earth, and easy to work with, they know how to leverage the latest tools and tech in addition to decades of experience. "

Identifying Opportunities

We will conduct our proprietary Competitive Messaging Analysis comparing your organization and/or companies who either compete directly or have similar offerings to understand how these companies are positioning themselves in the market and how you can clearly differentiate your business. 


We will also identify “low hanging fruit” for short term opportunities to boost revenue, perform a price point analysis and re-confirm objectives. 



Deliver Improvement Recommendations

We will deliver comprehensive, written recommendations on how to improve the performance of your marketing programs including: 


  • Messaging strategy
  • Positioning and differentiation
  • How to remove obstacles and solve tough marketing problems
  • Help you see your business through a new, objective lens 


The Master Marketing XRAY pays for itself many times over in savings from eliminating waste and finding competitive advantages that enhance your value perception and directly connect marketing to revenue generation. 


Have questions? Check our FAQ here. Want to talk to a real person? Request an appointment below. 


"Pete was hired as a marketing consultant when a management turnover occurred within the company. Pete took great initiative in learning our market and products and came up to speed very quickly."


We believe you should know as much as possible before you decide to hire us. Learn more about THE MASTER MARKETING XRAY including: how it works, detail on each phase, pricing and more

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